Just a few more gifts to make

?I am working on just a few little gifts for the granddaughters. I want to make a few special gifts for the girls. They are all on their own and I think a few special things for them to start their own homes.

Our November craft fair was good. There were over 100 vendors and 4 floors of crafters. Now to get focused on Christmas baking. I am usually finished by now, but I haven’t started. This is going to be a wild few weeks, but it will be great. I will make cookies, breads, candy, cakes and pies. What do you do to celebrate Christmas? Our dinner will be a big Mexican/American dinner. Mexican dinner and desserts both Mexican and American.

I love all the different traditions that come with celebrations. What are your traditions that you enjoy the best

Published by onecreativefamily

We are a multi generation team. We create different things and a lot of times we have fun creating with 3 generations of people. That is how we came up with our name because as you will see we are "One Creative Family". Please feel free to join us :)

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