Spring is here.

As I look outside my window I see green grass mostly deep and lush, but it is 39 degrees outside. So today will find me making peanut brittle, and doing some sewing. Today no quilt, but some summer clothes for Granddaughter and myself. I realized the most colors in my closet are dark colors. Hubby told me to go shopping, but I think about spending that amount in fabric for quilts and crsfts. My sister decided she was done sewing and sent me 2 boxes of fabrics. They weighed about 35 pounds each of the most beautiful clothing fabrics.

I want to spend someti.e outside so hopefully the day will warm up some. Then I will be able to get outside.

Have a wonderful day

Published by onecreativefamily

We are a multi generation team. We create different things and a lot of times we have fun creating with 3 generations of people. That is how we came up with our name because as you will see we are "One Creative Family". Please feel free to join us :)

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